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Black Hole


Black Hole: Our mysterious location is full of surprises, the JBS HIDDON said that for this sake of July, this universe did not think that mysteriously think, but it is more mysterious than that. "Human man handled since the heaven stains above the sky. Our extensions in mysterious mysteries play an important role. If the universe was not wide and would have been like scenes like this, perhaps we would soon be able to get it soon. If the mention of the universe is mentioned, black hostes appear on the top. Investigation, the investigation that when a star has completed his physical age, the hydrogen nuclear fusion react in the center has created iron, which proves to be a message of death. After which star star turns with a strong explosion. Meanwhile, lightning / energy of the stars is equal to billions of stars. This process is called Super Nova (Supernova). There are two types of forces in a star. A power is of pressure of gases, which tries to spread stars due to the nuclear react action in the center. While the second power is gravity that is stretching this star. For both billion years, these two forces remain manuals from each other, but after the NOVA, the gas pressure strength ends and only the strama of the stars remains, due to which the star starts to draw its edge inside. Due to this process, the density of the star starts to grow and finally the star is overwhelmed. The submitted substance in the center creates a serious kind of time in the corner of the Zederan and the crowd of the central, which causes the star Hollywood. This misconception in public is found that black hole is so intense gravity that can drag any item away from the distance. Although it is not, but when a star takes a black hole, its gravity is so when he was a star. The difference here comes now that it becomes a circle around it, which is called event Horizon. Instead of this place, the item does not leave the black hole, whether it is light. The goods outside the location will be blackly hole from a stretch of a stolen. At this point, the black hole is severely due to severe disease. Because experiences also show that the gravity is affected by time, so it is possible that you can spend a few months on event hover when you reach the ground, you are from a few old people and you are surprised when you know that old people are actually your grandsons and numeric, while you are young. This will be the reason why you are like a few months on the event Hurricane, who are more than for decades. You can understand this manifestation by seeing the science fiction film "Inter Stealer". Event Horizon can also understand you as a waterfall. Water is a medium for fish, so fish can not come out of water. If a fish fall down with a waterfall with water, then it should be so much to reach the height that he could fight the gravity of the earth. A Simver Hireliness is a universal waterfall. Each item in the universe is swimming on the craftsmanship. If the item hits in the black hole when the event hole is cut off the entire universe. It is also accelerated with light speeds to come back to the universe sea. Black hole is such that the appears that appear to scatter our scientific laws. That is why our scientific laws are unavailable by reaching event hover. Black hole are three types. The first-class black Hols are called miniature black hills, because it is the black hills of the atoms of the Atoms. Scientists estimate that immediately after the Big Bang, our universe was present in our universe, but the wonderful thing is that we have made these black horses in the laboratory. Here it is very important that the blueping fly as small as black hole (fly) evaporates. That is why it was made in the dark Holb laboratory for a second arrow section. Steeller is blackcull after these nutritional black hole. These medium types of black hills are thirty times from our sun, such a black hosted number of millions in a galaxy. Because after the big stars from the sun is destroyed in the same type of black holves. They are the third type of black hole, called the supermassive black hole. These are the most dangerous birds of our universe that have been extremely largely done by their birth and everywhere. At this time, the most brilliant black hole of the universe is 66 billion times from our sun, which is available in Ton618. There is a black hole in the middle of each galaxy. There is a small black hole called Sagitariari A in the center of our Galaxy, which is 40 million times from our sun. How wonderful is that in 1783, John Michal was predicted by the maths of the hole, but the black hole and the proof were not with us. It was a conceptual item. For this sake of black, the new who has been caused by hundreds of years. But in April 2019, the scientist was able to create a picture of a daily black hole in the middle of the Galaxy of the Massier 87. The 82 million figures of the earth have been made to be a black hole image, according to the black hole for 11 days, on the various edges of the black hole, which collected 52 million gigabilities data, which combined 52 million in the year by day interferenceometer techniques and one person was successful in making the first image of Black Holly in Human. Our universe is the sea of proof, every fact that such facts come to us that the man is souvenked in the surprise. As we are in the ocean sea, we are going to fall down from the intention of detection, as our thirst is increasing. Currently, the black hole is the basis of the universe that breaks our scientific principles, but the scientists are expected that we will discover such scientific principles through which we can control them.

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