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is self righteous ness is pride?

 Kalamat Botashev

Russian self_righteous pilot

a major general from Karachaevo-Cherkessk, had a dream. He had always dreamed of being a fighter jet pilot.

He was behind the wheel of a brand-new, fully outfitted SU-34 that had just been delivered from the factory in December 2011 without permission. In Baltimore, Maryland—I mean, Baltimore Air Force Base in Voronezh—pilots had been practising for months, but cunning Botashev took the wheel first and took a test drive.

As the first person to test the new SU-34, Botashev, a son of peasants, flew faster than sound over the sunflower fields and limestone mountains of Voronezh Oblast.

He was slapped with suspension from flying planes.

 On 28 June 2012, Naughty Pilot wrote himself into a flight record of a flight and sat into a Su-27 at an airdrome in Karelia, near Besovetz village. Commander of the flight Oleynik performed a standard recon mission and Botashev, who didn’t have a license nor qualification to fly a fighter jet, took control.

 “I’ve always wanted to fly a fighter jet,” confessed Kalamat Botashev, “It was my dream. I couldn’t help myself anymore.”

 Botashev made a few simple maneuvers: turns and rolls. He was excited how easy it was to pilot a fighter jet, and when the Su-27 entered the zone above the Besovets airfield, he tried to do a real aerobatics maneuver, the Bell. The plane fell into an inverted tailspin and crashed in a forest a hundred meters from residential buildings.

Botashov received a 5 million ruble fine and wrecked a fighter jet that cost 100 million rubles. He was let go by the Air Force.

A Su-25 was formally given to Botashov on May 20, 2022, the day of his 63rd birthday, to fight Neo-nazis in Ukraine even though he lacked the qualifications and experience to do so. Most of his fellow pilots had already been killed in action or had declined to participate in the unique military operation.

The fighter plane was subsonic, had only one seat, and was so ancient that it was really serving in the Soviet-Afghan War, but it belonged to Botashov and no one would ever tell him he couldn't fly it.

Ukraine Army o22,Botashov's Su-25 was brought down by the Ukraine Army Air Defence Brigade Unit using a Stinger.

Kalamat Botashev passed away joyfully.

If you believe, anything is possible in life.

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