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Where do pure diamonds rain?

 Rain of diamonds in the universe..!!!!

 On our side, diamonds are so rare and precious that Bollywood and Hollywood people make a full movie on just one diamond, and the same movie makes millions of dollars. But most of the diamonds in the movies are artificial.  By using artificial diamond, they extort crores of rupees from people, till today there is nothing more valuable than diamond on earth, but there is no time of diamond in the universe.

 When it rains on Earth, it rains water, but did you know that when it rains on Neptune, it's not water, it's diamonds, but because of the intense pressure there, when it comes down, the diamonds turn into liquid.  They change.  Neptune is the eighth planet of our solar system, NASA technology has not landed on it yet, but Voyager 1 has seen Neptune very closely. But the matter does not end here, there is another planet that NASA  Named "Sansri 55", it also rains diamonds, but there is no pressure on "Sansri 55", that's why the same diamonds are not found in liquid form, but in solid form. But the problem is that Sansri  55 planet is located 230 trillion km from our earth, if NASA technology reaches there in the coming days, then the diamond hours will not last.

 This universe is designed in a very beautiful way.  Now let's think for a minute how Allah Almighty would have made paradise for Muslims, which Allah Almighty himself defines in the Holy Quran. It will be very perfect, nothing is difficult for Allah Almighty. This universe and in it.  Findings such as the one I mentioned above is a phenomenon.!!!!!

 Written by Tehsin Ullah Khan

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