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where is gate of all nations?


The Achaemenid monarch Xerxes (r. 486-465), the son and heir apparent of Darius I the Great, the creator of Persepolis, gave the order for the building of the Stairs of All Nations and the Gate of All Nations. Visitors would now need to mount the terrace from the west, where previously the main entry had been in the south.

Similar to Gate R in Pasargadae, bulls and mythical monsters known as lamasssus, bulls with bearded man heads, guarded the entrance to the Gate of All Nations. Originally from Babylonia and Assyria, these bull-men were taken over by the Persians. These imaginary creatures were guarding a gate since the general belief behind them was that they warded off evil.

The monument as a whole was a massive structure with a hall between two enormous doors in the west and east. The centre halls' columns stood 1612 metres tall. The capitals were designed in the shape of two bulls. To the south there was a third entrance. Visitors might continue on from here to the throne room or Apadana.

When Alexander the Great sacked the palaces, Persian craftsmen were constructing the Army Road that would connect these two structures. By the middle of the fourth century, the main exit was no longer to the Apadana but to the Hall of Hundred Columns.

XPa Inscription

The name of this monument was "Gate of All," according to an old inscription found in the gate known as XPa.

Ahuramazda is a great god who made this earth, heaven, man, and happiness for man. He also made Xerxes king, one of many kings, and commander of many commanders.

I am Xerxes, the mighty monarch, the king of kings, the ruler of all nations and numerous individuals, the ruler of this vast and dispersed world, and the Achaemenid Darius's son.

According to King Xerxes, I created the Gate of All Nations with Ahuramazda's blessing. In this Persepolis (Pârsâ), which I and my father created, much else that is magnificent was built. Everything that has been constructed and is lovely was done so with Ahura Mazda's blessing.

May Ahura Mazda protect me, my kingdom, and everything

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