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Do you know which is the most sensitive bird?

 I will go with crane

The crane  is a beautiful, shy and loving waterbird  that comes to us from Serbia in the winter season

 - its tail and legs are long, about two and a half feet long. It weighs about two or three kilos -  there are a few things in the crane that are seen only in saints. Not in ordinary people - for example, crying in beloved' separation. 

Flying in a group and in a row. Making a couple only once and then making such a relationship with the same sweetheart for a lifetime. If the male of the crane  dies,  it does not see another male - if it separate from its group, it mourns and screams in such a way that it not only tears of  the heart , but also It stings to the death - 

its squeals make the atmosphere very sad - this is the reason. The real lover  compares his pain  to a crane

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