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war of survival

 Riaz Hussain Dawar.

A village boy with his two cows is walking on a trail of drain to a pasture  .  The drain runs through the northern slopes of the city from where almost the entire city is visible. 

Gilgit is a city like town.

 it is surrounded by a mountains  a river is runs  from west to east of the city, which is formed by the various streams and springs of the mountains that extend far ahead. The village boy's two cows are grazing inside the drain.  there is a watchman of drain ,He is a sixty-year-old man who brings water to the drain every morning from a large stream flowing five kilometers west of the city, which irrigates the government gardens, the fields and forests of the suburban villages. The watchman of the drain is a friend of the village boy. a poet from the nearby  also comes with his number of cows and sheep. The poet is also sixty years old. He has named the mistakes of youth as poetry.

He often sings ۔like his poetry he  is native simple. Sometimes an old woman appears with a  sheep. looks dirty and suspicious and her movements are also strange. She sits away from the rest of the people. The poet softly says, "she  is a witch.

 there are three gardeners of the government gardens۔ who come to the pasture when the water is late and all three listen loudly. They are sixty_fifty _ thirty years old. when they sit in the slopes of drain and does talk, all  Lowe lying residents hear them and curse them because of their sextual  subjects.

The sixty-year-old gardener is supervisor of them, is a shaman (native called dayal) who subjugates witches, fairies and giants  through a special process . through them if a human being is affected by a fairy or a witch is attacked, he cures the patient. there are various types of the shamans (.native names) 1. Dayal..2..pashow..3. metov

 who subjugated fairies and giants give true news and positive opinions

 those  who subjugated only witches give false news and give negative advice.

the  watchman of drain is  (pashowo) and the fifty year old gardener is a mitov.  he is in bagging with a big lump on his back.  

 "Metov" is actually been a male witch who is usually been under the influence of negative forces

 The third is a 30-year-yung man whose frequency of thinking has been kept  limited by nature. 

drain's watchman is "Pashwoo" which means rescuer of humans from witches. His sixth sense is very sharp.  Seeing  the woman, the drain's watchman described an incident.

 One night, about one o'clock, I saw a group of witches, about a hundred, towards the upper canal, noisily throwing a man into the air, as the players of a winning team are thrown into the air.  When I stopped them  in a gorge of a mountain, I saw that he was the poet. I told them to leave the poet. they  refused. I asked them to leave with something in return.they asked for the poet's cow. I accepted and  they left the poet. The poet also confirmed that he suddenly fell ill one night. In the morning, he slaughtered his cow and gave it as charity.

 The next day the village boy was on pastures with his two cows when the witch came with her alone sheep.  The boy said  hello  hey and start talking to her , first he asked to her, are you a witch?  she denied.  the boy  threatened her that he will come at her neighbourhood with "pashow" she accepted.  the boy asked her how the eat they prey? she asked him come tonight one o clock at my home . The boy reached and she took him  to the mountains.  She went towards where many women's voices were coming. The old woman said, "You hide here and look." Then she became a witch.   her feet turn against , her eyes became red her hair spread , fiery mouth,   she joined them and putout a pomegranate, the passed it one by one , when it come again first one she break it their was nothing in it just  smoke .it meant that  The witches eat like this. Then their meeting begins about what to do today, where to go. Suddenly, there is a terrible sound and everyone's head bows. An ugly old woman.  She appears with a wand in her hand. She is the provincial president of the witches. She sits on a high rock and begins to speak. humans drove us out of the cities and into the villages, forests and mountains. Now want to driven us into the forests.  And they have  started interfering in the mountains,its mean that they wants to get us out of here too,  human is bent on our genocide, so next week, an international meeting is being held in Koh Qaf, where whiches, giants and fairies from all over the world gathered,They will  choose their leader. The leadership will be given to  that area who will cause the most damage to the humans in the forests and mountains so that  humans left the forests and mountains and run toward cites,The meeting ended with the promise of determination that these high mountains should be cleared by humans at all costs. The name of this city surrounded by mountains is Gilgit. there are twelve villages around Gilgit city.  The mountain ranges of the Karakorum, Hindu Kush and Himalayas are inhabited by countless villages.

Suddenly, sudden deaths started happening in distant valleys, it meant that witches, fairies and giants  had  started a war against humans, many women were shadowed by giants and fairies and they lost their senses.

   watchman meets the  village boy in a free pasture .The boy informs him of the plan of witches. They both go to the shaman. The three go to different neighborhoods of Gilgit city  Warns the people of upcoming situations.

Visit each neighborhood .floges gathered and feed the shaman  smoke of wild cypress in a large field. he called his subjugated giants. who tell humans to leave these mountains and valleys, threaten a major attack on Gilgit city soon by fairies , giants and witches.

 People migrate to Gilgit and the valleys become deserted where sheep, goats, cows and other animals roam freely, which destroys the green fields, threshing floors and gardens. Although there were being many pashwos and shamans  who were stand in the field against the fairies and giants but the fear and panic among the people was so great.  They were running away leaving everything behind

  A delegation of witches, fairies and giants from Gilgit arrived at kho e Qaf, where heads of witches, fairies and giants from around the world were present to elect their new world leader.

After the looking at the events of the whole world, the head of this year's sphere of invisible creatures is named after the witches of Gilgit and a terrible witch of Gilgit is crowned as the queen of the world's unseen creatures. 

although the   order  not  was accepted giants and fairies by heart.ooo

 But when this delegation reached Gilgit, it is warmly welcomed. A celebration is held for a week in Kapri, a place in the high mountain of the suburban village of Gilgit. Every day a person who works for the good of mankind is eaten, thus in these seven days the famous scholars, poets and priests of Gilgit and its suburbs die one by one.

  Now preparations for defense begin in Gilgit city. Apart from the shamans, religious scholars start training and motivating the youth, including the people of the health department.

  shaman's subjugated fairies reported that they do not regard witches as their chiefs, the benefit being that they will separate fairies and giants from witches in battle and help deal with only  witches.

Now preparations for defense begin in Gilgit city. Apart from the shamans,  religious scholars start training and motivating the youth, including the people of the health department.

 On the other hand, after celebration the witches in  their  the capital called "cappri" which a high mountain place  and they go out to conquer the city of Gilgit.

 Inch the middle of the night, a saint enters the city of Gilgit with his simple  bag  and stick and goes to the neighborhood where the shaman and a few people are sitting.  He greets them and asks for  a cup of tea. the shaman  narrates current affairs .  the saine says, I know  I am with you and victory will be yours.

 The next morning, flocks of witches start appearing from the upper streams of Gilgit city, Berms and Nupura, and flocks of fairies from the mountains to the east and fairies from the west.

 In the northwestern part of the city, on a mound called Myra e  Thoko, the generals of giants and fairies gather under the leadership of the witch queen.

 A delegation consisting of shamans, passwos   and priests also reaches there under the direction of the saint.An elderly priest says that they will determine the boundaries and in their respective areas.  The giants and fairies agreed, but the queen of the witches rejects this proposal and tells them to evacuate the entire city.  otherwise ready to die.  the shaman said  we will fight and the returned .

The elder shaman addresses the fairies and giants and says that now our war is only with the witches. After consulting among themselves, they separate from the battle and go to the distant mountains

  The war begins, women and children are locked inside the houses,shamans pashwos , priests and young men stand in the field, there is noise everywhere, whoever is seen outside , arrest him or her and  gathered them in open field , shamans  draw  magical lines around the field  which they cannot crossed

  The saint is stand   under an old walnut tree. The witch queen attacks him but she wounded by the saint's special stike and disappears with a scream, freeing the witches from the shaman's enclosure as she  go. As a precaution, everyone remains alert until morning in a state of war. In the suburbs of Gilgit city,ooo ere are reports of about twenty women falling ill. The shaman forbid the men to meet the  ill witches. If a man injures a witch, if he meets her, the witch will be cured, and that man will fall ill and die. If he does not meet, the witch will die, but other people can see them. wounded witch try her best to see the one who wounded her, because it is her last tactic to escaped to death.ooo

  In the morning, giants and fairies come, the saint  takes them to the mountains, along with a shaman and the  village boy. The saint  takes out a bottle and a comb from his bag. The bottle is turned upside down and there were mountains and rivers  and streams become. When he throw the  comb  there were forests become...the fairies and giants go their new homeland . as well as witches concerned thy are still in war with humans in the mountains of gilgit baltistan which is speared on the  three mountain ranges . Karakorum. Hamaliya. Hindu kush..but they are controlled by shamanism.

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