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what is the length of DNA?

 Length of DNA  !!!

 The length of DNA is an ocean of wonder.  A single human cell contains a strand of DNA about six feet long.  If the DNA of all the cells of a complete human is added lengthwise, its length is about eleven billion kilometers, which is more than seventy times the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

 That is, a modern ultra-sonic plane with a speed eight times faster than sound will cover this distance in a century and a half.  If a typist were to type only the abbreviations representing the nucleotides of DNA for 8 hours a day at a speed of 60 words per minute, without a break or rest, only one cell's DNA could be written in 15 years.  Is.  Whereas the book that will be produced if it has 500 words on one page and a total of 1000 pages will produce 280 books with only one cell of information.  All the resources on earth are insufficient to write the information of all the cells of a human being.

 It is the Almighty.  "Even if all the trees on earth were to become pens and the sea (became a resource) to which seven more seas provided light, then the words of Allah would not end (by writing).  Verily, Allah is Mighty and Wise."

 (Surah Luqman verse 27)

 Despite its length, it occupies very little space.  A million nucleotides of DNA cover as much space as a computer can store one megabyte of data.  And the complete DNA of a single cell spans 3 gigabytes of space.


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