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Who taught them the techniques?

 A wonderful sign of God's power

 The golden plover is a migratory bird.

 is famous for  Every year from the US state of Alaska

 By flying 4000 km to the island of Hawaii.

 migrates  His flight lasted 88 hours

 It happens, in which he does not say.  on the way

 There are no islands and no birds or arrows.

 It is impossible to find somewhere in the middle.  Answer

 Scientists researched this bird

 Let this bird complete its journey.

 For 88 grams of fat, the truth is,

 This bird has as fuel for flight.

 About 70 degrees of hot grease is available.

 Let this bird die in the sea 800 kilometers first.

 It ends.  But how does one arrive at the answer?

 It's going to make sense.  Originally, this group of birds

 They fly in a v-shape and keep changing their position, which

 Because they face less air friction than

 of flying alone.  And their 23% energy saving

 Hojati, which brings them to the island of Hawaii.

 They have 6. or 7 hot lubes of reserve fuel.

 Also found in Surat, which is wind direction.

 In case of opposition, their work comes.

 We ask who dares to deny Allah.

 How can a bird know that it

 How much oil is needed for the journey?

 Tells how it takes courage to travel so long.

 And how is the use of grease.  And

 Who told him to travel in the v shape?

 How can he save energy?

 Praise be to Allah, the good of the creators

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