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Should God be remembered only at the mean time?

 do you know ?

   Lebanon's richest man Emil Boustani:

   He built a tomb for himself in the most beautiful area of ​​Beirut

   He has a private plane and the plane crashed into the sea...

   Millions were paid to recover his body, all they got was the plane.

   They couldn't find a body to bury in the grave he made!!!

   One of Britain's richest men is a Jew named "Rod Child".


   He shouted and shouted until hunger and thirst overtook him, so he cut off his finger and wrote on the wall:

   {World's Richest Man Died of Hunger and Thirst}

   They didn't find out about his death until weeks later!

   A message for those who believe that money is the only thing that fulfills needs.

   Leaving the world is the most dangerous event in the future.

   But we do not understand the meaning of when, how and where?

   A man travels and returns, goes for a walk and returns home, but if he dies, there is no return.

   A person boarded a taxi and the driver found a Quran

   He asked: Has anyone died? He said: Yes, our hearts died.

   Painful sentence, consider!!!

   A prisoner in a prison is asking for the Holy Quran to comfort his loneliness.

   And the patient in the hospital asks for a copy of the Quran so that God can heal his illness.

   And there is a desire to recite the Qur'an for the elevation of the ranks of the deceased.

   and we!! We are neither prisoners, nor sick, nor dead, until we ask for it..!

   It is in our hands and before our eyes, so shall we wait until something happens to us?

   So we fool him..?!

   Blessed are those who wish not to oppress anyone, not to steal or take bribes, not to drink red or drugs and not to anger Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless them and their families and companions. May the blessings of

   He does not hate anyone, he does not hurt anyone, he does not oppress anyone, he does not take anyone's right, he does not accept the right of a beggar, he does not take usury for what is not his right.

   He does not consider himself above anyone.

   We are all going.. there is no journey without a return, a journey under the ground, a journey to sleep comfortably, work and prepare before departure.


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