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  The secret of the black water in the holy lake for three thousand years.??

  Karnak Temple's sacred lake, which never dries up, was built by King Thutmose III, 80 meters long, 40 meters wide and surrounded by a wall, and on its north and south sides at a scale of the Nile.  There are two entrances. One from the east and the other from the west, both of these are stone steps.

  The one in which priests used to bathe before performing any religious ceremony or national ceremony.

  It was being fed by a channel connecting the lake with the waters of the Nile River, built by the third Tehtum.

  The miracle of this lake is that its water is constant and the water level does not rise or fall due to change or decrease in altitude.

  The level of the Nile is more than 3000 years and the lake never dries up and this is the most important evidence to prove the genius of the ancient Egyptian engineer.


  What a genius and what a miracle.....water with a stable ratio despite the factors of erosion, loss, seepage and evaporation But no wonder, he is the Egyptian engineer who built, survived and made all the engineers in history.  It took the world by surprise.


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