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Meteora, Greece

 Meteora, Greece's Rock Monasteries.

Meteora is a region located in central Greece, famous for its stunning landscape of towering rock formations and ancient monasteries perched atop them. The word "Meteora" translates to "suspended in the air", which accurately describes the surreal feeling of being in the midst of these massive natural structures. 


The rock formations in Meteora were formed millions of years ago, and over time, erosion and weathering created the unique shapes that we see today. The region's monasteries were built on top of these formations starting in the 14th century, and were initially accessible only by climbing up ladders or being hoisted up in baskets.

Today, visitors to Meteora can explore several of these historic monasteries, which offer incredible views of the surrounding landscape. Some of the most notable monasteries include the Great Meteoron Monastery, the Varlaam Monastery, and the Roussanou Monastery.

In addition to the monasteries, visitors can also hike or rock climb in the area, or simply take in the breathtaking scenery. Meteora is truly a unique and awe-inspiring destination that should not be missed by any traveler to Greece. https://rb.gy/9wqwou 

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