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The Castle of Coca

 The Castle of Coca

The Castle of Coca is a medieval fortress located in the town of Coca, Segovia, Spain. It was built in the 15th century by the Archbishop of Seville, Alonso de Fonseca, on the site of an earlier castle that had been destroyed during the War of the Castilian Succession.

The castle is considered one of the best examples of Gothic-Mudéjar architecture in Spain, with its unique blend of Islamic and Christian styles. It is also known for its impressive moat, which was built to defend against attacks from the nearby river.

Over the years, the Castle of Coca has served a variety of purposes, including as a prison, a military barracks, and a school. Today, it is open to the public and serves as a popular tourist https://rb.gy/oaxwsh destination, with visitors able to explore its many rooms and learn about its fascinating history.

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