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The Epic Cosmic Collision That Sparked Star Formation and Created a 280,000-Light-Year Tidal Tail

 Discovering Arp 188

according to NASA

 The Epic Cosmic Collision That Sparked Star Formation and Created a 280,000-Light-Year Tidal Tail  https://amzn.to/3LKH7Ql

Arp 188 was once a normal spiral galaxy, whose structure was heavily distorted as a result of a head-on collision with a smaller intruder galaxy. The mutual gravitational interactions have pulled away material from both galaxies, which then formed the visible tidal tail in the image, extending into space for 280,000 light-years. The interactions also had the additional effect of triggering numerous star formation phenomena, as evidenced by the blue star clusters visible throughout the length of the tail. By observing the image closely, it is also possible to notice the intruder galaxy, partially hidden by the spiral arms of Arp 188, at the top right. The two galaxies can be distinguished by their colors: Arp 188 appears diffuse white, while the other is bright blue

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