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Explore Hidden Gems of Pompeii

 Previously Closed Roman Buildings Now Open for Visitors!"

Hey, exciting news for all history buffs out there! Starting from April 1st, visitors to Pompeii can explore some Roman buildings that were previously closed for renovations. This means you can now check out some hidden gems in the ancient city that were not accessible before. 


Here's the list of buildings you can visit on specific days of the week:

Monday: Casa dell'Ancora (green areas under maintenance)

Tuesday: Fronto's House

Wednesday: City Baths

Thursday: House of Ceii


Friday: Fullonica

Saturday: House of the Tragic Poet

Sunday: House of the Ara Maxima

The best part is that you have a whole day to explore, as the visiting hours are from 9:15 AM to 6:20 PM. So, grab your camera and get ready to immerse yourself in the rich history of Pompeii!

visit here👉 https://bit.ly/40ZbuqA for more

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