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Küfeci: Basket Men of 1960s Turkey.

Küfeci: The Basket Men of 1960s Turkey Who Carried Drunk Patrons Home"

Küfeci, also known as the Basket Men, were a group of individuals in Turkey during the 1960s who were hired to carry drunk patrons home from bars and taverns. These men were typically from lower socio-economic backgrounds and had limited job opportunities, so they turned to this unique form of work to make a living.


The name "Küfeci" comes from the Turkish word "küfe," which means basket. The men would carry their patrons in a basket-like structure called a küfe, which was made of wood and padded with cushions for comfort. The küfe was attached to a wooden pole that was balanced on the shoulder of the küfeci, allowing them to carry their passengers for long distances without much difficulty.


The practice of hiring küfeci became popular in the 1960s when Turkey was experiencing a period of rapid urbanization and economic growth. Many people flocked to cities in search of better opportunities, which led to an increase in alcohol consumption and subsequent drunkenness. The küfeci provided a safe and convenient solution for people who were too drunk to walk home on their own.


The küfeci also had a code of ethics that they followed. They were known for their honesty and reliability, and would never steal from or harm their passengers. They were respected members of the community and played an important role in keeping people safe.


While the practice of using küfeci declined in the latter half of the 20th century, their legacy lives on in Turkish culture. They are remembered as a unique and important part of Turkey's history and serve as a reminder of the ingenuity and resourcefulness of people in difficult circumstances.

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