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Middle finger in ancient Rome

 Middle Finger in Rome.

In ancient Rome, the middle finger was not specifically used as an insulting gesture as it is today in some cultures. However, there are some historical accounts of the use of the middle finger in a negative way.


For example, the poet Catullus wrote about a man who used his middle finger to insult a woman he was arguing with. Additionally, the Roman author Juvenal wrote about a man who was angry with a crowd of people and raised his middle finger as a sign of his displeasure.

That being said, the use of the middle finger as a specifically insulting gesture is believed to have originated in ancient Greece rather than Rome. In Greece, it was called "the digitus impudicus" or "impudent finger" and was used as a sign of disrespect or insult. for more visit https://bit.ly/40ZbuqA

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