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Was Ukraine involved in the destruction of Afghanistan?

This is an abandoned Afghan settlement. By the end of the Soviet-Afghan conflict, half of Afghanistan's 24,000 villages had been destroyed.

More than 160 000 Ukrainians fought in that conflict.

Ukrainian warriors took the choice to invade Afghanistan. Ukrainians made up about half of the Soviet Politburo members.

Two million Afghan men, women, and children were killed, and Ukrainian men were involved.

A formal apology for the atrocity to Afghanistan from Ukraine? In my opinion, no. I haven't read about that, though.

Afghans may therefore take joy from the fact that Russians and Ukrainians are currently killing one another.

Does it qualify as a perk?

In addition, Kosygin was the only Politburo member to oppose the Soviet invasion. Due to this, he later lost his job and was dismissed from the Politburo (and yes, Ukrainians ousted him too).

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