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teaching is easy meme

why do teachers deserve higher salaries?

Spain gave birth to the well-known painter Picasso. All throughout the world, his works were fetching prices in the millions and billions of rupees.

A woman happened to see Picasso one day while he was crossing the street and by accident recognised him. Running up to him, she said, "I am a huge fan of yours, sir. I really enjoy your drawings. Could you also create a painting for me?"

Picasso recalled with a smile, "I had no gifts when I arrived. I lack tools. So tell me, how can I paint something for you?"

But now the woman was obstinate. She stated: "Make me a picture right now. I'm unable to say when we'll speak once more."

Picasso then removed a little piece of paper from his pocket and started to do some sketches on it. Picasso produced a painting on paper in about ten minutes, gave it to the woman, and instructed her, "Take this painting, you can easily get a million dollars for it."

The woman was shocked beyond belief. "That Picasso did this workable painting in just 10 minutes, and that tells me it's a million-dollar painting," he thought to himself. But she took up the artwork and went silently back home without uttering a word. she believed Picasso was deceiving her. She visited the market and learned the cost of Picasso's artwork. When she earned that the picture might sell for as much as a million she was taken aback.

"Sir, you're correct, these photos are worth nearly a million dollars," she yelled as she hurried back to Picasso.

"I already told you," Picasso grinned.

The lady uttered, "Will you take me on as your apprentice, sir? Teach me how to paint; I mean, just as you produced a million-dollar work of art in just ten minutes, I am capable of producing a quality work of art in ten hours, but not in ten minutes. That is how you get me ready."

Picasso grinned and remarked, "I have invested thirty priceless years of my life in this work. It took me "thirty years" to study this painting that I did in 10 minutes.

The woman gasped as she regarded Picasso.

The amount of money a "teacher" receives for a 40-minute lecture says volumes about the aforementioned incident. Years of laborious study go into each and every word an instructor says.

According to society, the "teacher" must talk. That ought to be adequate. It should not be forgotten that the majority of those in significant positions in the world today got there thanks to a "teacher."

Give a 40-minute presentation at a time that is engaging and informative if you also view the "teacher's" pay as free. You'll quickly become aware of your abilities!

To all revered educators

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