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Do you know any of Cobra's vendors?

 Snake seller

In 1911, the British Crown moved its capital in India from Calcutta to Delhi. In the coming times, a new problem started to arise, rather it started to rise. And that was the increasing population of snakes in and around Delhi.

Which is not only a poisonous and dangerous reptile, but its growing population was also causing fear and anxiety among people.

So the British government announced that a cash reward would be given to whoever brought a live or dead snake.

Thus, people started hunting snakes and taking them to designated government offices to get rewards.

But Some wise Indians thought to take double advantage of this opportunity and they secretly started raising snakes to breed them and offer more and more snakes to the government to get a good reward money. And so it went.

The people of Delhi washed their hands and feet in this "poisonous Ganga".

And when the British government came to know that the Indians  breading cobras at homes  for supplying and earning,So they canceled the prize money fixed on the snake.

But then the people who were snake breeders and having no choice, they set the snakes free here on the bushes, mud mounds. And when the freed snakes continued to breed in the natural environment, the population of snakes in Delhi and its environs was again born homeless.

This phenomenon is still remembered as the cobra effect.

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