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Do you believe in God?

 *There must be a reason behind every event*

 A heavily loaded ship was about to sink due to a storm during the voyage, so its captain proposed to throw some of the cargo overboard to lighten the ship and keep it alive.  .

 So they unanimously agreed that all the cargo of a merchantman should be left behind because it would be too much to avoid sinking.

 The merchant whose goods were to be thrown away objected why all his goods should be thrown away and suggested that a little of the goods of all the merchants should be thrown away so that the loss would be distributed among all the people and not just one person affected.

 Then all the other merchants rebelled against him, and as he was a new and weak merchant, they threw him into the sea with his goods and continued their voyage.

 The waves battled the merchant until he was unconscious.

 When he wakes up, he finds that the waves have washed him to the shore of an unknown and deserted island.

 The merchant got up and breathed so hard that he fell on his knees and begged God for help and asked him to save him from this painful situation..

 Several days passed, during which the merchant spent his time hunting fruit from trees and rabbits

 And drank water from the nearby stream ... and slept in a small hut made of tree wood to protect himself from the cold of the night and the heat of the day.

 One day, while the merchant was cooking his food, a strong wind blew and a burning stick of wood was blown up with it, and his hut caught fire due to his carelessness, so he tried to put out the fire.  of

 But he could not, because the fire consumed the entire hut along with him

 Here the merchant began to shout:

 "Why, Lord..?

 I was wrongly thrown overboard and lost my belongings.

 And now even this hut which is my house has been burnt

 And I have nothing left in this world

 And I am a stranger in this place..

 O Allah, why do all these calamities come upon me..

 And the merchant went to sleep at night hungry with grief.

 But a "wonderful event" awaited him in the morning ... when he found a ship approaching the island, getting off a small boat to save him ...

 And when the merchant came on board, he could not believe the joy, and he asked them how they had found him and how to know his whereabouts.

 He replied:

 "We saw smoke, so we knew someone was calling for help, so we came to look."

 And when he told them his story of how he had been unjustly thrown from a merchant ship

 He told him “that the merchant ship has not reached its destination

 Bandits raided it, robbed everyone and killed people".

 So the merchant prostrates while crying and says, Oh God, all your works are good.

 Blessed is the Lord "who saves from murder and chooses good for him".

 Don't panic if your condition worsens..

 Just trust that God is wise in all things

 It happens to you and its best…

 And when your hut burns down...

 Know that God is managing your affairs and trying to save you

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